We sell a lifestyle and a solution that works in the future. No, it's not another t-shirt. Each year 2 billions of those are sold globally, so that’s more than enough. Our core product is a running backpack that does more than just providing ironmen with hydration bladders. Internally we call it “the new car” and the “run commuting backpack”, because it is like a vehicle, where YOU are the multiple-cylinder engine! Laptop, food box, change of clothes, keys, cables, towel, you name it, are easily stored in a waterproof and shock resistant bag that sits perfectly on your back. It has an ergonomic anti-bounce technology with a sophisticated look. This “new briefcase” looks just as clean at your fancy business meeting, as when you are running, sweaty in the rain. And if it gets a bit dirty - take it to the car wash ;)
So why all this talk? Because we preach active commuting!
Physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for ill-health, resulting in 4 million early DEATHS worldwide each year! People move too much without moving enough and rely on cars for the shortest of trips. Did you know that half of all trips, less than 5km, are undertaken by car and on average people spend about 80 minutes per day in transit? This is not a game, folks! It comes at a severe cost to the public purse and the health of Planet Earth and You. The joke is on who?

less than 5km, are
undertaken by car”
It’s fine! Our company does not consist of only ultrarunners in neon spandex. We love to chill out on the sofa, eat junk on occasions and take the car now and then. Although some of us commute to work by running or cycling on a daily basis, it doesn't mean you have to. What we ask of you is to skip the car at least once a week and move sufficiently! Be a little innovative and integrate a bit of freedom into your everyday life. We are here to make it easier and you will be surprised how much time and money you save, and how strongly you will feel more positive, happy, healthy, less tired and overall good...and at the same time be a climate superhero.
Now we didn’t even mention climate crises or toxic emissions. Driving your car less often and making more sustainable choices makes a difference. You can calculate your carbon footprint here, but if you will do it manana manana, here is a brief
Traveling 2 miles (3.2km) produces this amount of CO2
By car: 0.88 kg CO2
By foot: 0.039 kg CO2 (breathing)
By Bike: 0.017 kg CO2 (breathing)
What you can do:
Take proper care of the product. Don’t overpack. Don’t leave it for too long in direct sunlight. Distribute the weight by using the hipbelt and sternum straps correctly. Never hesitate to contact us if something breaks. We want to know if something is wrong, in order to improve the product. This is the only way we can find out and your feedback is extremely important.
Constantly improve the function and the materials of our products, based on your feedback and our experience. Repair, remake and recycle broken products in order to give them a second life. In order to minimize consumption, we offer the possibility of renting a backpack to make better buying decisions as a consumer.
Happening soon:
We are working on a CO2 tracking project that will make it easier to calculate carbon footprints.
Although we don’t have many returned products, we are still planning for a future remake studio. This will make room for several creative collaborations. Contact us if this rings a bell…

Skip the car as
much as possible and offset your
carbon footprint.”