To be able to feel, is fantastic. To embrace emotions of all kinds, deal with them, make friends with them, accept them and let go of them - it’s what makes us human.
We carry baggage of all sorts. The load is different. The road is different. But what we all have in common is the starting point. No matter how high or how low, it’s there. The one place from where we take the next step. So where do we go from there?
Is it time for new footprints or retracing steps? Do you need to break free from something or someone who’s holding you back? Or do you just crave a bit of variation?
Rolling Stones line out You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you'll find, you get what you need. Whether you’re running a trail or running your life - you’ll learn along the way. In the end, the only thing that matters is true inner happiness. We are not talking about the “Insta-success-influencer-with-a-million-dollar-bright’n’white-smile kind of happiness”, but a humble and blissful awareness of the small things.
In all its splendor, here are some motivating points to bring with you into the trail, the festive season and the year of 2022. To when you plan your next step ahead
Accept the detours you did in life. They were perhaps painful, but you learned. They were maybe the best thing you ever did, because you dared to live.
Lower your expectations. Don’t put too much on yourself and others. Life happens randomly.
It’s important to dream, but dreams also break or change. Dream a better one.
Remember to be aware of what you complain about. There are many less fortunate who are dreaming of having your life.
“Relations are like vitamins. You can spend your youth without them but you would definitely need them in your old age.” Ashfaq Ahmad. And on a side note, vitamins should do you good.
Injured? Make the most of the recovery time and learn about your body and mind. Explore the healing process, with all its ups and downs, and respect your body, who’s working hard to repair itself.
Enjoy your rollercoaster ride of life! Remember the the Apple founder and billionaire Steve Jobs’ last words in 2015 “At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death…You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you - but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost - life.”
And, oops yes, speaking of “sh*t (read life) happens”, our Instagram has been down since a few months back. We have tried everything to get it back. Even with an inside Menlo Park contact, this was purely impossible.
Meta can go and Meta themselves, while we turn the other cheek and start anew. Embark on our journey into a brighter, more sustainable and mindful future by following: @iarb_official
In the season of the holly
We tend to crave for something jolly
But when you are a bit unwary
How do you define what’s merry?
From us to you, here’s things to ponder
For next time when you’re out to wander
To be able to feel, is fantastic. To embrace emotions of all kinds, deal with them, make friends with them, accept them and let go of them - it’s what makes us human.
We carry baggage of all sorts. The load is different. The road is different. But what we all have in common is the starting point. No matter how high or how low, it’s there. The one place from where we take the next step. So where do we go from there?
Is it time for new footprints or retracing steps? Do you need to break free from something or someone who’s holding you back? Or do you just crave a bit of variation?
Rolling Stones line out You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you'll find, you get what you need. Whether you’re running a trail or running your life - you’ll learn along the way. In the end, the only thing that matters is true inner happiness. We are not talking about the “Insta-success-influencer-with-a-million-dollar-bright’n’white-smile kind of happiness”, but a humble and blissful awareness of the small things.
In all its splendor, here are some motivating points to bring with you into the trail, the festive season and the year of 2022. To when you plan your next step ahead.
Accept the detours you did in life. They were perhaps painful, but you learned. They were maybe the best thing you ever did, because you dared to live.
Lower your expectations. Don’t put too much on yourself and others. Life happens randomly.
It’s important to dream, but dreams also break or change. Dream a better one.
Remember to be aware of what you complain about. There are many less fortunate who are dreaming of having your life.
“Relations are like vitamins. You can spend your youth without them but you would definitely need them in your old age.” Ashfaq Ahmad. And on a side note, vitamins should do you good.
Injured? Make the most of the recovery time and learn about your body and mind. Explore the healing process, with all its ups and downs, and respect your body, who’s working hard to repair itself.
Enjoy your rollercoaster ride of life! Remember the the Apple founder and billionaire Steve Jobs’ last words in 2015 “At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death…You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you - but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost - life.”
And, oops yes, speaking of “sh*t (read life) happens”, our Instagram has been down since a few months back. We have tried everything to get it back. Even with an inside Menlo Park contact, this was purely impossible. Meta can go and Meta themselves, while we turn the other cheek and start anew. Embark on our journey into a brighter, more sustainable and mindful future by following: @iarb_official