New Year, New Me? The Thing About New Year's Resolutions
Dare to make a New Year's resolution this year!
This year has reminded us that not everything is under our control. However, there is much still that depends on our own will to change and evolve.
Research shows that only 8% people on average have a chance to reach their New Year’s resolutions. So, make New Year’s Eve count and dare to set a New Year's resolution to keep up for the next 365 days - it will definitely pay off!
Here are some tips on how to finally make the changes happen.
Say it out loud!
It can be scary to say your New Year's resolution out loud but this is the first step to reach them as they become clearer and more obvious with doing so. Write down your goals on a nice piece of paper or even talk to a few people who want your best about them. Once you have said it out loud, it is not that easy to quit. It also becomes easier for your surroundings to support you when you actually tell them about your dreams.
Great dreams require realistic goals
It is good to be enthusiastic but you easily expect too much of yourself. Formulate rather one goal at a time. We are more likely to succeed if we focus on one thing at a time. Don't forget to set interim goals to have some milestones you can celebrate along the way. So instead of saying that you should exercise more AND eat healthier, it is better to concentrate on only one new thing in the beginning. Focus, for example, on having two workouts a week. When you manage to keep up this fitness routine for eight weeks start paying attention to your diet. This will make it easier for you!
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The clearer, the better
It is important to concretise your New Year's resolution. Many simply fail because the objective is too vague and confusing. Instead of saying that you, for example, should train more often, decide on a concrete number of workouts you want to do per week. The clearer, the better. By expressing what, how and when to make a change, you increase your chances of succeeding. Not only your work objective but also your personal goals should be SMART.
Some interesting goals:
Not everything will go according to plan
It is good to plan and develop strategies on how to achieve your goals. But do not get frustrated if not every single detail is going according to plan. Some things are simply more difficult or time-consuming than we expected them to be. Everyone who tries to change their life experiences on average 17 setbacks within the first two years. So, instead of seeing your setbacks as a failure, take the opportunity to analyze what you can improve and increase the chance of succeeding with your New Year's resolutions. By seeing setbacks as part of the change, it will not feel as difficult to get over them.
Remove your inherited burdens
We often overestimate our ability to deal with difficult situations. Our brain reacts strongly to immediate rewards, therefore it can be difficult to resist temptations. So, be sure to break your old habits and put your effort into creating new ones. It is a good idea to brace yourself for the change ahead of you. If your goal is to eat vegetarian, fill the refrigerator with vegetables. If you plan to work out twice a week, junk your old, uncomfortable training shoes and make sure to treat yourself with new ones. By simply removing what reminds you of your old behavior you reduce the risk of falling back into old patterns.
Take one step at a time
Just do it! Instead of waiting for the right conditions, be sure to create them. Don't think too far ahead! Take one day at a time, put one foot in front of the other, and start. Today is as good as to start tomorrow.
Set your goals the right day, do everything you can to reach them, and believe in yourself - then you can for sure keep your New Year’s resolutions this year!